The reviews are in!
“I was skeptical about ‘Hamish Mckenzie Killed Someone’ but, on inspection, I find that it is free of explicit incitement to violence! Nor is it pornographic or otherwise in violation of the standards published by Hamish McKenzie (who, if the title is accurate, has killed someone).” — Substack customer Ted Delphos
“‘His delight in the murder was profound, and intensely sexual.’ - Now that's a good critique necessary for a robust discourse we absolutely should have as a society and which shouldn't be deplatformed.” — Substack customer Dapper Mole-Rat (???)
“HAMISH MCKENZIE KILLED SOMEONE is something that really deserves more discussion in the general media, y'know?” — Substack customer Tessa Fisher
“Any writer can feel free to criticize us.” — Substack co-founder Hamish McKenzie
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Hamish McKenzie Killed Someone.
Hamish McKenzie Killed Someone is satire, and as such, does not constitute libel.
“Hamish McKenzie killed someone” is a “cruel and unfair” “attack on an individual,” which consists of “writing about someone unfavorably, even repeatedly.” As such, it is explicitly protected under Substack’s anti-harassment policy, as set forth by Hamish McKenzie.
In a separate statement, which in no way reflects on the previous statement that Hamish McKenzie killed someone, here are the Trevor Project’s most recent statistics on suicide among transgender youth.